Don’t forget the closing credits.
Don’t forget the closing credits.
That’s unfair. The lowest power output for the R6 Rover Metro was 60hp for the 1.1, and the lowest power output for the Allegro was 44hp, so even the lowest possible total is (just) into 3 digits at 104hp.
Can you even still call that a car “chase?” I mean, they’re in cars for sure and chasing one another by the dictionary definition of such, I suppose. I just feel like it’s a stretch in the same way an advancing glacier is “chasing” the landscape during an ice age...
but sometimes it is easy to forget the danger involved
This cat gives exactly zero fucks!
I love the feeling you get when you go over that bridge on the way home and know that you are almost there!
The Elise suspension is surprisingly comfortable and starting 2006 the seats aren't bad, but above about 70 it is absolutely deafening. I started wearing ear plugs on longer trips. Technically I think it might be illegal, but I figured I could still hear the outside world better than someone in an S-class.
Same here. If it can come in under $40K I might actually be buying a Corolla. (Never thought I would say such words.)
Hope your dealer buddy is the owner or the general manager of the store brother. These are going to be hard to get and I’m sure the markups are going to be wild.