
Yeah, that is exactly what we needed more blue hippy cats doing yoga and pilates on screen...

The US is on the best way to become a dictatorship and the entire west is willingly joining in. The terrorists win!

And in the same breath they will blame illegal downloads for loss of business. These fracking a**holes dont give people another choice!

And yet, nuclear power has cost the least lives of all kinds of energy creation. Waaaay less than coal in any case.

Benjamin Franklin: People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.

YES, justice is served! I hope he gets jailtime for every dollar of the fine that he can not pay.

This is why I am all in support of nuclear power. TFRs for the near term. Fusion and traveling Wave (see Bill Gates' Terrapower) for the mid to far term future.

Here in Austria, most firefighters are volunteers. They will help no matter what. This story is another example of "only in America". Awesome country, really!

I think they are not getting the storm they were expecting to get. I in turn expect them to be gone in 6 months from now.

if it cloud based, then it is good and it will be fine with just Linux. Otherwise, it will need Windows or it will have a big problem. Even iOS would be better than Linux!

I do understand why the concept makes sense, but in the last 20 years I have seen the idea surface many, many times and it just never happened.

@SynthOno: Did you see this article?