Skip Bifferty the 2nd

This theory presupposes that people are more inclined to exhibit this tendency than they used to be. Much more likely is the broader dialogue we used to hear was at least filtered by limited access and gatekeepers. We have democratized access to mass communication, and so we're hearing more from the plebeians, who I

But that was my entire point. That it's not equivalent.

You can not agree with it all you want - as I do not agree with it either - but to conflate a position that gives private interests the latitude to conduct their business how they see fit according to their own moral guidelines (curdled and regressive though they may be), and the state itself flinging people off of

In Saudi Arabia, he never would have made it into a hospital.

I'm not justifying anything; I'm pointing out that two things are not the same. Not being able to shop somewhere and getting defenestrated or stoned in the street are not equivalent. If someone believes in one and not the other, it's not exactly hypocrisy.

Again, you'll have to point out to me where on the Republican platform it advocates for forced conversion therapy.

Close enough to what? Close enough to when Sean Hannity kept saying that Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright meant that he was going to stoke up a race war? Yeah, it might be pretty close to that.

Again, you'll have to point out where anyone has campaigned on "forcing" conversion therapy on anyone. As for denial of rights, there are all sorts of mitigating circumstances where rights are denied for just about any citizen. But this false equivalence nonsense where the inability to get T-shirts printed is

That would be a different discussion though; I'm just pushing back on the notion that it is somehow contradictory or "ironic" for conservatives to point out the record of Muslim rule countries' on how they treat their gay populace. They may not be as progressive as you'd like, but they are also not (by and large)

That is true. What it is not is a death sentence. Call me crazy, but I see a pretty wide gulf between "I'm not going to allow you to give your money to me" and "I'm going to murder you."

You'll have to point me to where either Cruz or Rubio has campaigned on throwing gay people off of buildings.

Yes, because there's no line between "We think business owners should have the right not to sell you a cake" and "We think the state should convict people of homosexuality and throw them off of buildings."

Funny, but I don't once remember seeing Darrell Hammond smeared in jet-black greasepaint and big white lips.

So an internet commentator makes a smug judgement about a movie they only have a bare bones summary of? Surprise.

"We've gotta cancel this show. It's bottomed out. It's deadwood. It's history."

Since I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what any of those words actually mean, what he was probably really upset about is that his daughter was impersonated by a fatty.

It's almost as if people react to these things based on their political alignment rather than a nuanced understanding of the facts of each specific instance.

I feel the same way. I like her to be naked as well.

I would eat anything Giada De Laurentiis put in my mouth.

Yes, this is great. Please, everything we can do to turn every single component of society into Wrestlemania.