Skip Bifferty the 2nd

By all means, let's continue to celebrate and endorse vigilante behavior. It's not like you're ultimately giving credence to his views by engaging in the brutish abandonment of one of the core concepts of civility.

There is nothing in this corrective that isn't something that anyone with the most cursory understanding of the FCC didn't already know, or couldn't have been discovered after about 30 seconds of research.

At this point, it's more out of habit and tradition than anything else.

So we'll be deprived of his TV handsome looks, but we'll still get his booming, powerful broadcaster's instrument?

Or perhaps 10 decades?

I thought it had gone out in the mid 1800s myself.

All the fine ladies I get busy with suffer from woodshock.

I could tell you about my dreams involving recycled urine, but I don't want to get banned.

Politics is pop culture now. We have the conservative media to thank for that. Fox News branded political discourse as bloodsport and stripped all civility and rationality from the discussion. Now people talk about it with the same reasoned tones and allegiances that used to be reserved for professional wrestling.

I know! And don't get my started on how necrophobic all these ghost and zombie horror movies are.

I think Trump is a buffoon, a hustler, and a profound embarrassment to the nation, but I would eat this show up with a spoon.

Let's not be overdramatic; Twitter people are fucking terrible. If you are on Twitter and believe that you are not terrible, that may be true now, but it will only be true for so long. Get out while you still can.

While I support anyone's decision to abandon Twitter, technically speaking "I hope you die" is not a death threat.

Death panels, dude. Death panels.

When it all boils down (and I'm saying this as someone who considers himself essentially conservative), for the nominal conservatives who object to state-provided health care or health insurance yet will support increases in police spending and officer presence and resources, it's all about sticker shock. "Wait, it's

Overall I am a big fan of the profit motive. It is a powerful tool, and I would contend it is responsible for a great many innovations that have improved society and enhanced quality of life around the globe. But as it applies to the insurance industry, it's hard to see it doing much of anything beyond increasing

"Sorry Jimmy Kimmel: your sad story doesn't obligate me or anybody else to pay for somebody else's health care."

First off, there are people who object to publicly funded, and particularly government run, schools. But we'll set that aside.

A fair point. When you engage in that kind of a tactic, you send a message to the genuine homophobes you're targeting that can suggest, "See? They talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, they feel the same way about those cock holsters that I do." At that point, it's hard to say you're not seriously

When you're out for blood, you are looking to strike a blow for maximum impact. You might ridicule a person for "gay stuff" (for want of a better term), not because you yourself harbor any enmity toward gay people, but because you know or strongly suspect that your target does. (In Putin's case, I'd say it's a