Skip Bifferty the 2nd

If Trump has one defining core value as a leader, it's opportunism. And there is nothing that should not be done in an effort to seize any and all opportunities presented. Sure, Trump has mocked women, the disabled, prisoners of war, but what Colbert just did is somehow different and much worse.

I know, right? It's like the other day I was at work, and I heard someone bitching about how long the day was, and how they couldn't wait for the weekend. And I was all, "Hey dude, at least you have a job, and you're going to have to wait for the weekend because you really don't have any other choice because there's

It's a sandwich when there's double penetration, right?

I've seen this sentiment expressed a few times recently (Handmaid's Tale being an example), as if having contemporary relevance is more than our fragile little souls can handle these days. It's as if certain people are predisposed to whine about everything, even the things they like.

Beyonce has never seemed like an actual human person to me; more like an assemblage of marketing strategies in corporeal form.

Well, I'm pretty sure we hate Bono because he has ideals that he may not fully live up to, which is so much worse than having none and just not doing anything. Jack White I think has expressed some opinions in the press inelegantly or with a little edginess to them that not everyone is completely thrilled with, so

Well, I'm 150 years old, live in a monastery at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and am blind, but yes, I have seen Emily Ratajkowski's body.

Ah yes, the old "victim-blaming" chestnut. First off, it has nothing to do with its association with "conservatism", because (brace yourself for a mind-blower) I consider myself a conservative.

On the one hand I get that, but on the other…

Is it okay if I have exactly zero sympathy for any of these people filing these lawsuits?

I think people can get too tied up in potential subtext and lose sight of what's actually happening in each individual work. For the most part, coitus is not a factor in almost any of the listed examples above. Fifth Element is a good illustration of this. She doesn't really have "the mind of a child," she's just

Ignoring bullies is so much work and denies us catharsis though. It's sort of like burning fossil fuels for energy. Sure it poisons the environment and gives a lot of power to some truly loathsome geopolitical entities, but it's just so easy.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Thank God there was no internet when I was 14. My pornography intake was already pretty substantial, but with that degree of availability I might have worn it down to a nub.

Except I'd be willing to wager that you really don't know anything about Richard Spencer except what you've been told.

And one day when someone convinces you that my assertions that rhetoric should not be greeted with fists is really just a smokescreen for my secret Nazi beliefs, you can punch me with impunity. I sure it will be very cathartic.

[shrug] I guess I just have a basic respect for one of the most foundational and critical mores of living in a civilized society. It looks like we disagree on this. Maybe one day we can meet and you can punch me in the face for it.

I applaud your convictions. I said similar things about punching people in the streets, but didn't get a whole lot of support from the broader AV Club community.

Murder, reviving someone from a hyperspace slumber into an environment capable of sustaining life support into the indefinite future; same thing.

I think it might be less about distancing themselves from feminism than trying not to come off like some ham-handed afterschool special, "Being mean to women is BAD." A lot of people don't really watch things to be hit over the head with its politics and just want to see a good, human story about human people having