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I’d dig into the existential hell of the basic concept, but Cheers got there first:

It’s not that they forgot to say it; they’ve been saying it since Part II on, it’s just that it’s never time to stop saying it:

Come on, how is Roadrunner an asshole?  He literally just runs the roads.  Occasionally he sneaks up behind the coyote who is constantly trying to kill him.  I can’t begrudge him that.

I’m not sure what point those quotes are supposed to be making; maybe you can single out to me the “much” and the cringing, because that all sounds completely benign. He has something in his life that gives him direction and purpose and solace, and he wants to share it with people so they can have that too. Allow me

Maybe in this reboot (or revival or refurbishment or whatever the proper terminology is) he could be a barber, tortured by his murderous impulses, pining to return to lumberjacking, where he was okay, and he could sleep all night and work all day.  Among other things.

It’s great Rob Morrow could find some time in his schedule from that movie career he originally left this show for.

I guess we’re lucky we got a title.

You don’t know how close to the truth you are. Turns out she travels as Time; she is frequently disguised as a magazine.  It’s pretty brilliant; how many of her core demo are even aware of the existence of magazines?

“We take no pleasure”

Worse? Few better, I’d say. Although the dream would be the super-broad comic villain character on Disney Channel sitcoms.

The most surprising thing they could do at this point is make another album anywhere near as good as their first one.

I think the lure of a voice work paycheck gig is just too powerful. You could literally drink your way through the whole thing and not even have to remember that you did it.

A joke?

Wait, do you have teeth in your anus?

Man, I see ‘dabbing’ and I think smoking cannabis concentrate, so yeah, I would absolutely be up for some dabbing while watching the Teen Jeopardy tournament.


Mundane oddities.

Spade has always been a bit polarizing; his shtick works for me, and he’s always taking swings.

You know Woody’s got the pussy on the chainwax.

“Was Just Shoot Me any good? We remember it being good.”