skip bifferty

Nice explanabrag.

How many swings are they going to take at The Nutcracker anyway? Has Hollywood ever poured so much money into an IP to get absolutely no return?

Who’s worried?  It’s a curiosity.  Typically, when a rich white guy loses a job, the collective commentary is usually more along the lines of, “How sad; he can cry himself to sleep on his golden pillow.”  I mean, he’s already made two of the damn things; isn’t it time for a black lesbian to get her turn at the helm?

So this is the rich white guy the culture has decided to line up behind, is it?

“nearly 30,000 movies have been rated in 1968"

“Why did he stop being a movie star?”

Well, what I really wanted to “use this opportunity” for is to make a mild joke about how men like to look at naked women. BUT I GET IT, sexual desire is gross and ‘creepy,’ and it is clearly horribly inappropriate for me to make such a remark regarding a TV show about pornography.

Are they taking applications?

I guess you missed the parts where I said both that I’d never done it, and that if you don’t like it, then don’t like it. My issue is equating a heinousness with an insensitivity. My issue is with the abandonment of scale. My issue is with the calculated piggybacking of the emotional weight of a specific term, that

I think this headline is a bit of a misreading of his commentary. First off, he says “we’ve,” as in his production company Rough House with Jody Hill and David Gordon Green. And he didn’t say “success”; he said they have yet to do something that “worked,” which I would interpret as meaning ‘work with the general

And why do you think that?

I will not be deterred!  The public must know!

I will not intimidated in my search for the truth!

A fake news distraction to steer us away from the more critical question that needs, nay demands to be asked:

She’ll have to push Olbermann off of it.

I enjoyed The Last Jedi.

“...we understand that people mourn in their own way and that Disney World means a lot to people, but oof, that’s gotta be weird.”

Next up from Bricken: George Bailey was a child molester.