skip bifferty

Just when you think you’ve got a hold of the certainties of life- the sky is blue, water is wet, Changes is a terrible song- something like this comes along and turns the world upside down.

When Twitter was founded in 2006, there were approximately 32,000 suicides that year. In 2016, approximately 45,000 suicides. That’s quite a spike, and I’m really not seeing any other profound social driver for that more compelling than a broad forum in which people routinely tell each other to kill themselves.  I

“quite a rise”

Some of it flatly contradictory to each other, which makes it kinda bullshit as instructions.

The Bible is not an instruction manual.  The only thing it really tells people are stories and beliefs of the past. And like any other work of art, different people are going to have different takeaways. 

The Goonies, Part II: Here Today, Goon Tomorrow 

Yeah, I read that story when it came out, and I just read it again, and you’re going to have to point out to me where the serious sex crime is.

I can think of three reasons:

Take pity on us poor entertainment news writers, and just cut him loose”

I think you’ve mistaken rebranding with reformulation. 

“Binge” is a word with generally negative connotations. Everyone has a right to their own rebranding, right?

I think the original poster’s point of contention is rooted more in things like this:

And what conspiracy is it that I’m looking for?

This site also failed to put the standard ‘this article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault’ warning on their reporting of his allegations that she “push[ed] him... on the bed and initiat[ed] oral and penetrative sex with him” so I think their attitudes and sympathies regarding this case are pretty clear.

Per Wikipedia: “...the annual U.S. suicide rate increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, from 10.5 to 13.0 suicides per 100,000 people, the highest rate recorded in 28 years.”

The direct answer would be, “I don’t know; I haven’t watched that much Fox News.” But responding to the implications of your question adequately would require an essay, and I don’t feel like writing an essay. So I’ll put this out there, and you can take away whatever you want.

Fox News pioneered the contemporary Outrage! cycle; the progressives took it to new media and are having more success in weaponizing it, because their core demo isn’t 150 years old. 

Nice try, but Fox News has been fomenting this for the past 20 years. The “progressives” make have taken the bait, but conservative media are the ones who put the shit sandwich on a hook and waved it in their face for decades.

Yes, the boilerplate of not wanting to create a mass public outcry and condemnation for the release of the killer of Mr. All You Need Is Love. Are you honestly asking me if there’s reason to suspect that motivation?

Either what you said, or we need a rebranding: