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Here to accept the award for Best Actbot on Calculon’s behalf is Sasheen Littlefeather...

Granted, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out how dogs can appropriate culture. I thought that dog culture was pretty universal: chasing sticks, licking faces, sniffing butts, etc. Or is that just me being specist?

The short version of what’s going on with Jim Carrey: He is, and has always been, a bit of a loon.

Meshach Taylor in a role that hasn’t aged well?  Unthinkable!

I would expect nothing less from this crew than an impeccably subtle zinger like this.

Sure is good to have Jimmy McGill insisting on accurate trash pop culture references again: “Actually it’s Jaws 3D.”

Respect. I love this song choice, and while I don’t love their take on it, they at least have a take on it, which is more than Weezer attempted. I’d have to give this round decisively to Toto.

Cam Newton has a psychopathic energy. Is he a psychopath? Probably not, and it’s not like people in my life haven’t suggested that I might have a psychopathic energy (not really phrased that way, but I have been called Jeffrey Dahmer before), but I think it would serve him exceptionally well to invest in gaining some

To be fair, conspiratorial rantings that seek to demonize all that challenge you in the ugliest possible terms while encouraging harassment and abuse is pretty much their business model.

I am saying exactly that words cannot be action, yes. Speaking is the act; the contents of that speech are ideas, which by definition are not actions. They don’t exist as anything but theory and interpretation. What you perceive as a “racist” joke could mean almost anything to the speaker, including the exact

No, a joke cannot be an act of racism, because it’s not an “act” of anything. It’s a statement. At most, it’s commentary. And to whatever extent you even want to contend that it is, it doesn’t exist on the same dimension as an act of pedophilia. It’s the difference between subjectivity and objectivity, which is a

I have to say that I’ve always found Redford a touch stiff as an actor, but I’ll concede that’s a quality that suited him perfectly in Barefoot in the Park. He really nailed the timing and the tone of Neil Simon- he could make the sarcasm sing without making it sting- and I’m a little disappointed we didn’t see more

I’m going to predict that Lydia ends up being less than appreciative of Mike’s commitment to the veracity of his cover position.

It’s assumed that what kept Owens—a five-time first-team All-Pro; the NFL’s second all-time leader in regular season receiving yards; and eighth all-time in receptions—from being inducted during his first two years of eligibility came down to character concerns. That’s obviously insane and ridiculous, for reasons

Trolling needs its Manhattan Project!

I agree, in that while it clearly was made to be a commercial success, it certainly doesn’t feel like it.

“Normalize” is such a bullshit term used by the purity crowd, like those people who bathe themselves in sanitizer and end up creating superviruses that decimate populations whose immunities are utterly atrophied. These people have confused winning an argument with refusing to allow it to take place, and the only

But has he actually encouraged it- has he explicitly told his audience to confront and challenge these alleged “crisis actors”- or are they just responding to his proclaimed certainty and emotion and are acting on their own warped perspectives of what they believe he’d want them to do? I honestly don’t know because I

So I guess that means that you won’t be using YouTube or Spotify or any other similar service until he and all his peers are completely removed from them?

This is thorny. I hate what Alex Jones does. He is an infected boil on American culture. Meanwhile, YouTube and Spotify and the like have no obligation to provide a platform to anyone. What they have is a business model that is best served by offering options that appeal to sizeable segments of the population. Alex