A Wrinkle in the Golden Compass
A Wrinkle in the Golden Compass
When will America stop turning a blind eye to foot violence?
I can fix this dilemma for you. In fact, I’ll give you options:
I liked this movie the first time I saw it, when it was called Tomb Raider.
Despite his transparent sops to ‘relevance,’ clearly Eli Roth made Death Wish because it’s a marketable property with brand recognition and he wanted to make a film that grossed more than five bucks. Made even more clear given his commentary here, since anybody with half a brain when confronted with the criticism he’s…
It’s adorable in the way a two-year old calling the cat a poopyhead is adorable. It’s stupid and it’s not true, but the cat doesn’t care, and you just have to smile at the ridiculousness of it all. It’s baby’s first hot take!
Modern liberalism drank the Fox News Kool Aid, and now everything is an Outrage! and everything is a conspiracy, and what use are antiquated notions like civility and good faith engagement in the face of THE DOWNFALL OF SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT?!!?!
Stop talking to me, and I’ll stop my “incensed” “virtue signalling.” I get it, you know me and by extension those people better than we know ourselves. So stop bullying me by flaunting your psychic wisdom in my face. You can read my mind, so you should know how much this is tearing me up inside.
If you want to have this conversation with your straw man, then go ahead. I’m not sure why I need to be involved.
creating a disgusting, hostile environment
It makes you nostalgic for the good ole days of the mafia. At least they didn’t have to operate under the pretense that their protection rackets weren’t entirely self-serving and capricious, and that their primary, if not exclusive, concern was taking care of their own.
In a movement obsessed with a general, vague notion of equality, everything must become equal, even the meanings of words. Tolerance and acceptance now appear to mean the same thing.
“whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”
Yes everybody, please keep telling me how “incensed” I am because I make mildly critical comments about someone else’s criticisms in a comment thread. I’m clearly out of line here.
I wish this one was Iggie’s; he probably would have reviewed the film rather than Eli Roth’s politics.
Back then, we called them Klingons.
How dare you presume to know the dimension to which a person falutes!
Jeff Franklin is also the auteur behind Love Stinks, which is in a category with films like Tomcats of distilled cinematic misanthropy.
Somewhere, Robert Townsend gazes at the Meteor Man suit in his rec room and sighs.