
Not baseball related... but... For the Winter Classic at the Big House I paid almost $200 for my seat, and then a guy in front of me went on Stub Hub a little bit before the game and got his ticket for $15. Was I mad? No. I thought that was awesome! Was I a bit sad that I wasted over $150, oh yeah.

My friends cabin was like that. Complete dead zone for ATT, Verizon, TMobile and any other carrier. Sprint though.. perfect. It made no sense.

I bet he’s can’t wait to tell his grand kids all about all the trophies he won as a pro athlete.

It’s 100% real. The reason for it is because back in the day you only needed 8 wins to win the Stanley cup. Each leg represents a win needed.

The best part is that Al Sobotka the Zamboni driver isn’t allowed to pick them up anymore like he used to. He would pick them up bare handed and spin them over his head to get the fans going even more. The league started to fine him something like $10k for every time that he did that because when he did, octopi guts

Break downs on the side of the road bring the family closer. My sister and I had so much fun on the side of freeway running through fields after our trailer had a tire blow up and had to wait a while for everything to get fixed.

It’s even worse at my wife’s job. She’s a hairdresser and to not mess up tips, because there was another person there already that has her first name, when she got hired in she had to pick a new first name to go by as well.

You could just keep your maiden name for your professional life and change your last name for your personal life.

Obviously 0 gears is the correct answer.

I’ve been bikeless (except when friends let me ride their bikes) for the past 4 years. Once I do get a bike again I really want to take another MSF course. Even at just parking lot speeds, you do really learn so much. Debating on doing the beginner one again or going for the advanced one.

This reminds me of the MSF course when we had to weave in and out of cones but do it the absolute slowest we possibly could without putting our feet down. Getting yelled at that you’re going too fast at 2-3MPH is crazy.

My friend “Want to go fishing with me and my dad? He just bought a new bass boat”

So I haven’t watched mythbusters in a long while, so what myth were they testing out in that video? The myth that a semi truck cab with a wedge on the front is unstoppable and perfect for mowing down everything in your way during a zombie apocalypse?

I regret every day not buying one when I had the chance. It was exactly the one I wanted too. Yellow with black convertible top. I would have traded in my extensively modified tC which the dealership was actually going to give me a good number on.

Honda S2000!

I really wonder if he actually thinks that how it works when trying to estimate a quarter mile time by using an eighth, like when he’s not trying to bullshit his way out of something.

In regards to the video....

I wonder what type of protections they’ll have to have in place for the driver as well as the passenger. I know from my experience that I probably shouldn’t have a passenger on the back of my bike that is over 200 lbs because I’m only 130 lbs myself. Will it be ok for the driver to just say “get off” if they’re taking

Go on the defensive. Get some of the clear plastic stuff. Protects from rock dings, door dings, everything.