all of the new cars that the companies are coming out with specifically for GT6
all of the new cars that the companies are coming out with specifically for GT6
The worst part about most of that water is ti's from the sewage system.. so it's not just dirty rain water... but shit water.. that people were out playing in...
Reminds me of my childhood going out to the figure 8 races in flat rock michigan. It was awesome to see these types of races, and then also the ones with the stock cars just flying into each trying to make it into the gap between two cars.
Did you put the Jalopnik sticker on after the first race but before the second? That could be the sole reason for the win!!!
Holy cow! I guess this can be chalked up as a reason why I love Michigan. I got caught going 125 in a 65 when I was 16 and had my license for 6 months, and I got a ticket for doing 90, and all that happened was I got 3 points on my license and a 180 dollar ticket.
Wow. I think that one takes the cake!
I moved to NYC so the deed has been done!
How about Asian cars in general. When I bought my first car it was a Japanese car and everyone yelled at me for buying a foreign car and not supporting the US economy and blah blah blah. After a little bit of calling the kettle black, they realized that even their Ford was built outside of the US.
Because it wasn't said in the Jalpnik post and I didn't read the article....
How embarrassing. After how crazy I was for the FRS, I never even noticed it only had a trunk and wasn't a hatchback. I've even driven it a couple of times and went to a launch event... Having the hatch and the rear seats folded down in the tC I was able to put way more stuff in the back than I ever though I would be…
I bought mine from a Toyota dealer, but it wasn't CPO. Maybe that had something to do with it because I got the notice of the warranty expiring and not the person that I sold it to.
I had an '05. It was a nice little car for what it was. Everything that broke on it was due to my own doing so I'd say they are fairly reliable as well. I sold it two years ago though before I moved to NYC. If I were buying a new Scion I'd be getting an FRS.
I was shopping for my first car at around the age of 19-20 and I found a newer ish GTI with some tasteful mods and it checked off everything I wanted in a car. Manual, sunroof, not a PoS, good price. I went and test drove it, everything was perfect. Drove amazingly smooth, handled great, shifted great, perfect…
I'm assuming yes. I just got a notice that my factory warranty expired on my Scion tC that I bought used.
Tell me the last time you bought a brand new computer and didn't have to update the second you took it out of the box (Apple computers not included, although that happens from time to time as well)
Tesla updates their cars over the air saving you a trip to the dealer. Anything that keeps me away from a dealer is good enough for me. Although it's a Tesla dealer, so it wouldn't be bad.
I know I'm late to the game, but I think this should be a pretty good response!!!!