
Why is his collection not open to the public, but set up completely like it would be open to the public in a museum/funhouse sort of way?

I am hoping that the next time I fly home to Michigan I can get the same flight attendant I had the last time.

What they should have shown is the 'me' of the group that ran over the cop car from trunk and then jumped off the hood doing a flip. Now THAT would be some good karma!

besides from there not being anything else to experience that on, I still don't get how sliding that 2 feet off the hood makes it any more exciting than just jumping off and doing a backflip or something? Those look like kids older than like 13, so I still stand by my older than 7 statement.

Is it just me, or at any age over about... 7... this doesn't seem like it would add more to the fun factor. It's a 2 foot slide. I'd rather just do some cliff jumping.

My first car was like that with the buttons on the side that activated the horn, except they weren't buttons. It was just the huge central unit but you could only press the sides of it to activate the horn. The only notification you got that gave you the location of the horn was two tiny little horn emblems slightly

it's better than this...

I've always had great experiences with the Avis by Grand Central. Open 24/7 so you can get your car whenever you want. They don't have a huge selection of cars because it's a small location so sometimes you can even talk to them and get a free upgrade.

That kind of sounds like my dad's boat engines. The idle at least.

Got room for a passenger?

I think Buell owners talk about their bikes non stop by association. It's not their fault that everyone comes up and asks them about their bike because it's a rare sight to see.

I don't even consider GSXR owners as bikers.

I'm assuming that wasn't meant for me, but I didn't pick out a picture with a Buell on purpose, it just happened to be in a picture with multiple bikes in it! I love Buells. It's always nice to see them.

They're the best! Mine was meticulously maintained and when I sold it looked brand new... after 7 years of riding.

Before I moved to NYC I used to have a CBR 600RR so I've riden with plenty and was one. Although I don't think I've ever met an Agusta owner before. I do plan on buying an RSV4 in hopefully 2016. I've gone too long without riding.

Also, going by the comments, and the intro to the QoTD, I'm going to say....

not a car... but a vehicle. Sport bike owners always try to throw in that they own one at every single opportunity that they can.

pshhhhh! when i was younger my uncle bought a go kart and his friend had a rather large (for the city) back yard and we ended up making a figure 8 with burms in the backyard. You had to bring a full change of clothes because by the time you left you were covered head to toe in mud. They kept it wet for the fun factor.

There's quite a few terms that could be used to describe someone like this person... haha That one seems to fit pretty well though!

apparently it wasn't... grounded to the ground..