
If they're extending the car, adding 2 doors, and making it a wagon/shooting brake they had better be upping the HP. With this, comes very easy HP adders for the fr-s if it's based off the same engine.

I wish I would have known I had an account on here! A game that my friend and I played, well, 2 games, is cold car and hot car.

if they were to make a shooting brake frs/brz/gt86, do you know how many years and concepts we'd have to see before it actually came to life?!

It wasn't run over most likely. I had my macbook ran over by a semi truck and other vehicles after falling out of my backpack while riding my motorcycle at 100+mph.....

Given that I basically just climbed Everest from my desk at work, and given the sheer number of people that seemed to be climbing this (and in small numbers. there was a group of 3!) how hard is it now to climb it? Is it still something where a lot of people die doing this? it seems that with all the people that have

When is british racing green going to be the color of the year?

the thing that pisses me off most about this video is that I had to listen to Green Day.

i'm actually trying to sell my car. its a 29005 scion tc that's modified quite a bit. trying to sell it has been a complete and total pain. It's finally maybe selling tonight.

it's not like it would have hurt THAT bad. The engine is in the back, so there's not even much weight on the front tire anyways! and if he broke his foot or anything like that... adrenaline will not allow you to walk around like the cop was doing.

kinda like a out of these 3 people which one you marry, kill or have sex with. except change out people with cars... and marry, kill, have sex with, with other things.

i think he meant... any "legal" things you outfit your phone with. you can do that on an iphone as well...

this marina is like a half mile away from my marina... most definitely not the most classy of marina's. and I don't think any marina has enough room anywhere where it would be a good idea to attempt some donuts.

oh, my bad. i forgot to add /sarcasm.

oh, my bad. i forgot to add /sarcasm.

i know. it's a shame that gizmodo is the only company in the world doing unpaid internships...

after working on projects to this magnitude, would you still be able to have fun with an R/C car?

how does one not get accepted to community college? i thought all you did was register?

keeps me going everytime!!

did anyone get this to work on a mac? i just installed it and i'm not baby free yet.

he owns his own business but GM paid him to fix the volt fire issue. he actually just leased two yesterday for him and his wife.