you're totally right. this doesn't look anything like apples store page for the past many years....
you're totally right. this doesn't look anything like apples store page for the past many years....
it doesn't catch on fire anymore! my neighbor fixed that problem ^^
I just look for one of these that says "good mechanic"!
pretty sure the roads were closed down since there was a rally going on?
being the motor city and all, are you disappointed by the lack of tracks (drag/roadcourse) that are close by?
its obvious that downhill snow trucking should be in it.
call me when they disconnect the chains holding the car on.
to prepare for laguna seca... why doesn't he just put a few laps in on laguna seca?
i dropped mine at least 3 times a week. the back screen finally broke. I've had mine since release.
china. but i also think they have the best drivers in a way too. I've been there for a total of 3 months, and one thing i've noticed is that lane markers, turn signals, stop signs, and all those things... they mine as well not even exist. same goes for cross walks. The only traffic signal that was obeyed was a stop…
the guy in the back of the truck got flung out the back. i'm sure the guy that was standing and just moved out of the way was a bit luckier.
the atms at the credit union i worked at ran on xp. boy did they go down a lot.
this is the only reason out of all the responses i'll accept :)
have you heard of google wallet? you're storing your credit card on your phone. how about apples new thing that i forgot the name of? you're still giving them financial information which they are storing. I use my iphone, and used my droid when i had one to pay bills and transfer money all the time either through the…
so basically facebook does the same thing as amazon?! no freekin way!!! hey you just bought that new bike yesterday... i would also recommend you buying a helmet and a lock!
please tell me you're not talking about facebook going public and them making all of your information public. please oh please tell me you aren't talking about that.
whats the difference between this apple or google?