
My thoughts precisely (also, I love Grim Fandango). The "Goodness had nothing to do with it" line seemed a disproportionately stern response to Clara's mildly flippant demeanor, but it denotes a better direction than the dark Doctor nonsense we've seen thus far. Well, maybe it does. He could've just been saying that

Both Jungian archetypes and Jungian psychological types are very useful in critiquing and creating literary works. No character escapes archetypal classification, and well conceived characters can easily be sorted into psychological types. The MBTI is an unprofessionally designed test, but it is based on observation

Ah. I personally enjoyed the sense of exploration inherent in Xenoblade more than I have with any game since, well, maybe Chrono Trigger. It also features the most maturely written and behaviorally consistent cast in any RPG ever. I will admit that the interlinked web of near countless side quests does wear on the

I called him by his serial number - R-66Y. Kind of impersonal in hindsight.

I'm with you, except for the visuals. To me, the art direction in Cross is bordering dangerously close to Lisa Frank territory (with a somewhat broader, but no less vibrant palette).

Magil was Magus, but Guile was just Guile. Different dimension you see - there's an invisible note on the floor in the Viper Manor lab that says as much - Radical Dreamers probably happened in a timeline that was erased when Dalton invaded Guardia… Or something like that.

In my opinion, that era of gaming was strengthened by the fact that the player's imagination was required to fill in the blanks - from plot points to environments, one had to stretch to fully realize what the development team was aspiring to, and no other game was as dark, engaging, and incomplete as Xenogears. That

No Xenogears? Whether you liked it or not - have you played Xenoblade? I say it's the best game I've played in years, and my list of favorites mirrors yours. While Squenix has been stagnating, Monolith Soft has continued to evolve on both an individual, and company wide scale - and isn't that the point of life? So

Dimensional travel as a game mechanic was not as rewarding as time travel, but they wanted to try something fresh, and I think it worked well - even if I had to read the ultimania guide to fill in what was lost in translation from Japanese to English. While the supervising Dream Team wasn't involved in Cross, any

Forgot to link this summary of NT types earlier - sums up The Doctor's personality completely without needing to resort to explanations of alien origins. After all, he's just another archetypal character regurgitated by human minds, so how could he be alien!? NT's are simply exceedingly rare in the general population,

No, no, no - I hope I'm right in my assessment that this episode is the end of all that incongruent dreck. The titular mummy is a creature void of creative thought, who follows orders without question, and is tied to a basic, destructive pattern - in short, it is a witless soldier unaware of what it is fighting for -

Or even entertaining the idea that the selfless de facto savior of the universe could be a bad man. Anti imperial, apologetic politicking, hipster propaganda that doesn't fit as an analogy for The Doctor's behavior.

I don't even see it as a bad decision. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, Clara just now, finally, answered The Doctor's call to "Please, just see me." As she said, she had a big wobble, but she's back on board, and has re-accepted both the stakes of the game, and the measures often necessary to protect the universe from

13 is a pure distillation of the character (often more of an INTP than an INTJ). What many are calling "alienness" are traits common to these personality types, specifically the Doctor's "professional detachment." Both types have a very pure and underdeveloped emotional side, which, left to their own devices, they

This is exactly what I needed to read.

I often see clusters of people, mostly women, riding the subway and playing Candy Crush Saga, or one of those 3-D runner games. I'm not surprised by this.