
There are lots of revenge/vigilante films with black protagonists out shooting white rapists and drug dealers. Hell, half the "blaxploitation" films made in the 1970's followed this plotline. Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. You should try to expand your film knowledge a bit more.

The murder rate rose during Dinkins' administration. The last year of Koch's administration, in 1989, there were 1905 murders in NYC. The first year Dinkins was in office, 1990, the murder rate rose to 2245. It did go back down a little over the next three years he was in office, but when he left office at the end of

They were trying to mug him, and Goetz was widely considered a hero across the city at the time. Nobody was killed, but one of the four wounded muggers was paralyzed as a result. I grew up in NYC back then, crime was out of control and when one person (who had been mugged/victimized a number of times prior to this

True, copyright is not the same as a trademark. But the trademark and merch for The Misfits does directly violate a valid copyright held by Viacom, which does not only protect the film itself but also anything using the characters from the film. Check out the decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals from 2011

The Crimson Ghost is still under copyright and, along with most other films produced by Republic Pictures, is now owned by Viacom / Paramount Pictures. Huge companies like Viacom/Paramount may not even be aware that their property has been "borrowed" by The Misfits, but if the right lawyer at Viacom finds themselves

The Crimson Ghost movie serial still has a valid copyright, as the original copyright notice was properly filed by Republic Pictures in 1946 and was renewed when the copyright came up for renewal (copyright renewal entries R557427 and R568601 by Republic/NTA). Glenn and Jerry can fight all they want over this, but the