I understand why cops might feel jumpy and scared. Any second, a simple traffic stop could easily turn into a shootout and they might not be going home tonight. That is a reality. Any human would be intimidated by that.
I understand why cops might feel jumpy and scared. Any second, a simple traffic stop could easily turn into a shootout and they might not be going home tonight. That is a reality. Any human would be intimidated by that.
I’m curious about this dream, because I have never, ever, had a dream in which I came up with any idea or solution whose logic held up after I woke up.
Note to self: Never buy the 2021 Grand Cherokee L.
So we’re not gonna mention the Calvin sticker then?
“Jeep and Ford can’t BOTH sue us. That’s a law, I think.”
Why, I oughtta - as soon as I finish drinking my Budweiser, and finish my game on my Sony Playstation 5, and finish shitposting on my Samsung Galaxy, I’m gonna get up outta my Ikea sofa, drive down to local Shell station, fill up my Dodge truck, and then I’m gonna drive right to your house, blasting AC/DC and the Rolli…
In terms of stimulants ... I imagine they get a lot of free Red Bull.
“Yeah, you go ahead and drive your fancy foreign Tesla, all the way from Frémont.
5-seat center rows are all secretly a setup for practical experimentation by social psychologists. On every plane where you see this, there is a hidden room where people in lab coats are watching, to see how people can confront these inhuman circumstances where order has broken down and law has no meaning. Will the…
I ... kind of get it. I don’t think it’s really valid, but it’s something I’ve seen (and felt) before. There’s a sense that there’s a meaningful difference between doing something as part of a sincere love for it and doing it as a means to a different goal, such as fame or wealth. And particularly when it comes to a…
“I want a sensible family hybrid that’s as dark as my soul.”
My one tip: If you’re gonna ride overnight on a train - try to find out how comfortable your seats are gonna be ahead of time.
Is driving a golf cart under the influence actually illegal? I don’t actually know.
I (wildly and baselessly) speculate that it’s because we’ve not truly brought society to the internet. Check any comments page or social media thread, and someone will be saying something inappropriate, threatening, and/or insane - which they would never say in person, in public, in the real world, because the real…
A week after I got vaccinated, Bill Gates announced he was getting divorced, and now I have an inexplicable desire to defy the Pope and dissolve the monasteries.
Um ... I’m not sure how Fisker plans to broaden their market appeal by designing and manufacturing a model with a target demographic of literally one person.
Here you go
Airplanes are stronger than people might think. Aloha Airlines Flight 243 in 1988 suffered explosive decompression at 24,000 feet and managed to land with only one fatality, despite the 737 suddenly becoming a convertible in mid-flight.