“There are other bad things, so you shouldn’t complain about this bad thing unless you’re solving ALL the bad things” will never, ever, ever be a good argument.
“There are other bad things, so you shouldn’t complain about this bad thing unless you’re solving ALL the bad things” will never, ever, ever be a good argument.
“Don’t worry, love! Lawsuits are ‘ere!”
Trainers and cheat engine scripts are more popular than ever, always have been but you can find one for any game. When a large majority are single player games, no one gives a shit and who should? Shit like this for online games are the problem.
Hey if people want to pay 12.95 euro for the chance of losing $60 when they get permabanned I say let the dumb assholes!
(Yes, that was joking, but I betcha a bunch of people seriously believe it)
Just another example of a big, soulless corporation harming the little guy. Video games should be free. You shouldn’t be forced to not play one just because you don’t have the money. If Blizzard didn’t want their games stolen, then they shouldn’t make them. Freedom for all!
Blizzard is suing German company Bossland over its sale of an Overwatch cheat program called Watchover Tyrant, which…