
I wasted probably 20 minutes of my time reading the entire thread and your responses.

Whatever you say, Bryce.

What happened yesterday was capitulation to keep the lights on. There was no incremental step toward any policy. What in the fuck are you even talking about?

Yes. My lack of understanding of history is the problem.

I would point you to an article that says exactly the the democratic party, in particular the DCCC, supports plutocrats at the expense of progressives. But, it’s in the intercept, so it’s directly from putin’s butthole.

No one is asking you to make the choice between the GOP and neoliberal bullshit. If that’s a real choice to you, then... well, fuck it. The choice is neoliberal bullshit or true progressivism. That’s the choice. It is possible to simultaneously reject the GOP and corporate democrats. Your jokey metaphor that was



Government (conservative definition): Anything that helps poor or disadvantaged people. Something to be cut.

I agree. We should, though, make sure that every slack jawed yokel and paranoid schizophrenic has access to assault weapons. #priorities


Yes. “Perfection” is providing adequate government services.

That’s quaint that you think congress represents you. I can see that many people share your opinion by the approval ratings that congress has that are a scorching 20%.

Yes. I am the reason Trump won.

Ha! Damn. This tells me everything I need to know about you. You consume arguments only in one-sentence portions. You’re a CNN watcher who thinks “both sides” are represented by asking “should we send ground troops into Syria, or just bomb the shit out of them.” You’re the walking, talking reason that Fox News

Yep. As Carlin said “They’re all in one big, private club, and you ain’t fucking in it.”

NO. Jesus you are dense. The dems couldn’t even get their entire caucus to toe the line here, so inasmuch as that’s a fact, then yes, they’re all culpable. Those 4 senators, plus Jones, can fuck right off. Now, to your point that minorities, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and labor unions are suffering solely because

Your reading comprehension is so fucking lackluster. I prefer they all fuck off. And, when they all vote together (like McCaskill, Donnelly, Manchin, Heitekamp), then yeah, they all get lumped together.

She’s been the target of outrage for quite some time, really. I think that since the dems caved on DACA, she’s an easy target as being a symbol of the milquetoast commitment to process over policy that the dems are known for.

Who said that? Just because they’re not foaming at the mouth white nationalists doesn’t mean they’re not shitheads. But that’s your litmus test, right? As long as they’re not as bad as Steve King, they’re AOK is your book.