
If you get a call out of the blue about your PC, it’s 100% a scam. No company will call you about an issue. Your PC is not sending down messages to some central server saying it has a virus. You do not have people hacking your IP address. Every pop up you see they tells you that you are infected is bullshit.

Not sure how pop culture-y this goes, but my mom passed a few years ago. Shortly after her death, I was watching Scrubs on Netflix and there is a sweet female character named Patrica Wilk. My mom was Elizabeth, but in the show Mrs. Wilk dies suddenly, similar to my mom’s sudden passing. I loved Dr Cox, but I really

I want to get drunk, but I don’t much money, so let me drink this swill.” That’s akin to being hungry and poor, so you eat dog shit.

Yeah, but does “Dark Side of the Moon” sync up with this movie?

Assholes like this make me embarrassed I have a penis.

This poll needs more Gruden.

Don’t care - still want one.

Yeah - what the fuck was with those weird jump cuts every 30 seconds?

“Trump has reportedly told advisors that he will fire Nielsen in the next few weeks if not sooner...”

If the balls were properly inflated, he could have floated for the first down.

So you have decided to let someone else choose who is representing you and your views. Potentially someone who doesn’t hold your views, and you are stuck with them for at least 2 years, maybe more.

What’s wrong is you have not shared said lyrics with us.

Now playing

Pence invited him because he knew he was a Jew for Jesus. Remember the importance in Mikey’s life:

My mom owned one of those 75 Mustangs. Red with a white vinyl top.

Any chance those phrases can be turned into a Chrome extension? I would love to see Drumpf referred to as “hefty bag” whenever I have to read shit about the moron.

Some primo MST3K/Rifftrax shorts material in some of those videos.

Or maybe I am a liberal making a joke, dipshit. Get off your fucking high horse.