
As the spouse of someone dealing with early onset PD (diag at 34), this is a nice gesture. But yeah - should have received a nom in the past for some of his work. He never really did the definite Oscar movie, but just liked making movies that are fun to watch.

With red sauce. A sausage in natural juice is bullshit.

Ok - hear me out. Remember a decade ago when Joaquin Phoenix “quit” acting to be a hip hop star and other weird assed shit, and it turned out to be this year long ruse of a mockumentary he was filming? What if Quaid it doing the same thing, but just for a FAR longer period of time to really one up Phoenix.

Roll 210.

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Nothing to see here but a kick ass version of Fortunate Son from Clutch:

Eating all those crayons has finally gotten to Sloane.

Imagine I clicked the star button about a million times, cuz you deserve all the stars for this comment.

Second video on MTV but still not good enough for the R&R Hall of Fame?????

I want to live with my I-van-ka girl......

I’m a Buona guy when it comes to beef. They pepper the au jus so the taste is amazing.

Hold up: Wendy’s Twitter kept their mouth shut on this one? WTF? If anyone wants to get involved in stupid internet shit, it’s the goof running that account.

I scanned the comments so I wasn’t the only one that thought it. Strategic cropping?

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We can talk about who comes in second place to this.

Rush is WAY too fucking low. You should all be ashamed.

Otis, a manufacturer of escalators (and the trademark owner of the word escalator) actually recommends users stand in the middle of the escalator with hands on both railings for maximum safety.

How about for a penny? Years ago, was buying a couple things at Sears, and my wife was picking up a little electronic chopper as a gift:

Damien Sandow. Woefully underused by WWE.