Now playing

If your heart is on fire, is your love alive?

“There’s still some good left in Facebook”

Here’s your star, you bastard.

I’m not the only one that doesn’t have the stomach to click “play”, am I?

But can I rig my Prius to play a song every time the display tells me it’s 37 degrees outside? And what song should it be?

You may not want to know the exchange rate, but the kiosk at the airport is pretty sweet to look at.

The one word I associate with her is “untalented”.

Now playing

I put my full support behind a Material Issue Day at Jalopnik

I once Uber’d 3 guys who asked for my AC cord and played nothing but fucking Drake the whole 45 min drive to their destination. And talked about how he is a genius and all his albums rank in the top 10 greatest ever.

I believe Drumpf thinks that’s one of those magic pictures. He’s trying to focus properly to see the picture of a Miss USA contestant in a bathing suit.

Your use of logic will not sway the direction of this administration.

From the side, he TOTALLY looks like someone that is 6'3" and 239lbs.

What the hell are they selling? Based on the images, those are not any hot dogs or beef sandwiches I have ever munched on in this town.

I had a job at the factory that makes hydrants, but you couldn’t park anywhere near the place.

“The Constitution should be read as written, not interpreted to mean what we want in today’s day”

My wife’s solution:

Tawnie, our Affenpincher rescue. She’s a goof.