
Well, Tesla has now fallen off the list. If this is 20% accurate I will go with the bolt or leaf. Probably the leaf - Ghosh seems like he is not a dick. Seem to remember some CEO wanted to keep his Fremont factory from going union labor by ensuring the line workers “not to hire any assholes”. Modeling behavior of

So why buy this. Your other watches pale in comparison? Buy a Aston Martin Vulcan or a F40. How about inspired by boredom. I have the 1/150 of this watch and my like sucks. I can not afford the 8 bedroom in Monaco. How about funding 10 kids from socioeconomic disadvantage backgrounds college educations. Enjoy

Two of my best friends in the 80's had these lumps of smoldering pestilence. My older brother had ‘66 that my dad helped swap in a 289 highpo and a 4 speed. To this day my older brother is perhaps the coolest guy I have ever known.

Yup, ugly to some and gorgeous to others. Honestly for out and out performance this is a nice package. It’s not for the faint of heart style wise. It’s not subtlety in motion. But faauuu#@k it. We drive to be engaged. A focus RS may be a “better choice” in this bracket. Having owned a integra type r, I am guessing

Now, imagine your child riding a bike. There you got it right. Imagine the dailogue here. It kind of says bike riders are a nuisance. Where in yelling at them and when they land on the hood of a car it is deserved or eh they had it coming. So you take out a 7 year old because they were in the bike lane on their way

Roughly 220-230 feet/second, ahhh can not imagine how this could have gone badly. While I love, yes love, he has the balls to do this, the plan B could have been carnage a quarter mile long. The romance of being young.

The GT is a gorgeous car and perhaps the most lust worthy, which is of course arguable. The selection process has dimmed my view of the car substantially. Sure if you have the $$$ buy it. Applying really WTF, it’s a Ford. I can no in no way afford this car. If you want an F40 or a 250TR you pay your $$$ and it’s