I liked Enslaved a lot, but I’m not interested in permadeath (or over-the-top challenge in general) in games. Sadly this sounds like a pass.
I liked Enslaved a lot, but I’m not interested in permadeath (or over-the-top challenge in general) in games. Sadly this sounds like a pass.
Something is actually wrong with if you own an Xbox, have gold, and don’t download Bayonetta for free. You will not convince me otherwise. Fight me.
Almost as if there’s a difference between playing a violent video game and threatening violence in real life (even as a joke).
So if she had Galaxy Notes on her would she be counted as a suicide bomber?
Yep, could always just take an hour and get him the outfit he likes on his own profile since that really seems to be the only thing he really cares about. Then just let him grab any junk he wants.
Luckily it wasn’t Porkins taking the shot!
Is it still incest when you’re possessing another body?
I haven’t played the game they’re referencing, and understood the comic perfectly.
I admit I was annoyed, until Altima pointed out that the plots were empty for years. That is a fair argument.
From reading this article, it seems they don’t have any intentions of flipping the homes.
If you look around a room and don’t see a prompto....it might be you...
Ya, agreed. This article came across as a petty, dude had fun who cares if he lost.
What’s with all the shade though?
She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.
they can’t do that when she has potential victims inside the premise. If they left and she murdered her children they would be responsible.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
I want the 8 seconds of my life you stole from me back.
Hate to pee on your birthday cake, but the reason consoles exist is that “average” consumers don’t have the time (or care) to build a PC based gaming system.
This is such a tired argument. If I wanted to game on PC I’d have a PC. Despite all the dung slinging I’m excited to get the XB1X. If you game on PC, enjoy your PC. If you game on Playstation, enjoy your PS4 or PS4 pro.
Is it time for the same fucking comment to stop being made by the same cluster of dbags every week yet? Nobody is forcing you to read it.