
Her new name is Petunia Butterbean III.

GIF of my favorite loading screen:

“These are neat!”

People love to make fun of those (like me) who still buy physical media - for me, Blu-Rays, paper books, and records. But the fact is that any product you purchased digitally that’s housed on someone else’s servers is a product that could someday disappear from your library. For example, Amazon has removed files from

The irony is they couldn’t get out.

I want to see all movies in the future use gamertag credits.

I call shenanigans. She’s actually the real Yomiko Readman and the cardboard simply forms to her will:

I’m tired of seeing “Could not take a screenshot” after every trophy I earn.

This. Who cares?

For me it was Unreal Tournament. I’ve never been as good at a competitive FPS as I was with Unreal Tournament with a trackball.

When the same person keeps winning over and over in an online group of randos, yeah, I tend to think they’re fire-hopping. And they probably are - I’ve seen the top racer hopping around on the race previews multiple times. It’s no fun to constantly come in second because you don’t have the time to put into learning an

Baka, when the walls fell...

Like, are we 100% sure it ever existed in the first place?

Did it ever truly exist?

I have to agree. We don’t allow people to just stream 2 hour movies, why would a 100+ hour narrative heavy RPG be okay? Is the value of all the work that goes into the game $0? Is it just the fact that you control it with your own input that warrants the $60 price? It’s a weird situation...

I absolutely agree with Atlus and the content protection laws on this. Streaming the gameplay in a game like this can really hurt sales more than with other types of games.

Deadpool vibe.

Unpopular opinion: I tend to prefer dubbed anime, even if the dub is strictly worse than the original voice acting (which it isn’t always), because they’re so much more compatible with multitasking and don’t require as full attention.