So my dad had a calzone today and he's wondering why they're not more popular … Is there anyway I can get him and Ben Wyatt in the same room?
So my dad had a calzone today and he's wondering why they're not more popular … Is there anyway I can get him and Ben Wyatt in the same room?
Thomas was at the second Harmontown so you can hear it for yourself!
Ok so I was going to do this in my original post, but I will do it now! Whomevers I list first was the winner:
I am on your shores right now! I'm queuing, but on your shores!
Ok so I have 20 minutes before I head off to the airport which should give me enough time to run down the totally awesome Bingefest events I went to.
I did get to talk to Erik afterwards and somehow I did not bring up the horror that is Disqus at all. I'll do a write up of the evening either tonight or tomorrow depending on how my packing goes.
OK I got to ask the AV Club editors a question, so not only is this coming from heaven as I am dead, but here are their favourite Community episodes:
I am currently in line at the Sydney Opera House to see Dan Harmon and Josh Thomas in a Writers Room Panel then am seeing AV Club Editors talk about TV.
Kudos to whomever went 'screw this, I'm just going to write Todd'.
Is he the third celebrity/person of note this year who died at age 69?
Happy Birthday Quirky! Hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!
Not sure what my full list would be, but Charles Schultz would definitely be on there.
Same thing happens to me all the time. I mean, it also helps that I've got 3 years left on my degree and two of my three major decisions have already been made (where I apply to go on exchange and what I'd like to do for honours) but every time I think about both of those I get massive amounts of anxiety.
I saw the 40 second one with Lestrade and Watson talking about babies and Sherlock just being confused which was fun. I'm a bit worried they're going to kill one of my favourites, particularly since Ep 3 is titled 'The Final Problem', but ah well. Less than a month to go!
Those tunnels are one of my favourite parts of aquariums even if they terrify me.
New Sherlock trailer:…
I would do one but I'm either going to be in transit or on some trips during that time. I look forward to reading all of them though!
Drunk History Season 1, first 6 episodes of Veep season 3, first two seasons of The Office with mum. She has great sympathy for all who watched Casino Night live and then had to was for 4-5 months for the third season.
Why do universities somehow find a way to screw up a perfectly fine way of releasing final results? On one hand, it's always bizarre to see outpourings of conflicting reactions on Facebook but on the other hand …. anxiety.
Has anyone else read the Wicked book? I read it, wow now 7 years ago and I remember absolutely hating it the going home and listening to the soundtrack on repeat.