Dr Regina Phalange

Too much cake, Jmunney. Too much cake.

Awwww thank you Affro and your good other 87 Affros!

Happy Birthday Tere!

Happy Belated Birthday Loki! Hope you had a great day!

Happy Birthday Alex!

And have an absolutely fantastic birthday while you're there!

I finished exams yesterday and it feels weird having nothing to study for. How's everyone doing?

I have read one item on a news site and that was the Leslie Knope letter and that's it.

Well that SNL Cold Open hit me right in the feels.

She looks absolutely beautiful and adorable. Also - love her dress and the embroidered flowers. Reminds me of some the stuff mum made me when I was a little one.

Fair enough. He also brought in cookies and Tim Tams to soften the blow because apparently our essays were that bad. Felt like I was in high school again.

I had a History tutor this semester tell us that had to take off marks because of bibliographies, which I never thought I'd hear.

I used to think of them as necessary evils, but after having to do this, I completely understand the value of a well written bibliography.

On behalf of all of us students who leave our bibliographies to the last day/minute, we thank you.

I should probably start using it, seeing as I might have to for English Honours as they seem to prefer it.

I think there's one or two order changes and maybe a few different commas? I have no idea - I've just stuck to Chicago seeing it's the only one I *have* to use.

Someone said it was great for science? I dunno - my godsister had to use it for teaching and had a rough time with it.

English tried to make us use that, but so many people used Chicago that they only make us in-text cite the main text.

APA alone has probably caused me to age at least a year. Also having to put in actual footnotes is something I never thought I'd have to do. What's up with just putting [1] and then just listing references? Chicago for life! I guess the good thing about History here is that they force you to do it, so it's partially

In non-politics related news, I've spent at least 4 hours this week converting the referencing of a science paper to Chicago style. I kid you not - it took me 15 minutes to find one persons first name. Thanks whatever referencing system that doesn't require first names!