Well, I've been sick and was in bed and unable to look at a computer screen for a good 4 days.
Well, I've been sick and was in bed and unable to look at a computer screen for a good 4 days.
I may be dragging my parents to a few bookstores when we're in the States purely because I've seen them on Tumblr/Buzzfeed and want to go to there. Thanks for another one to add to my overall list!
How did I not know they were doing a Winnie the Pooh movie until now?
It was simultaneously the most hilarious and horrifying caption + visual on my Twitter feed when I woke up.
I've got some of The Ezra Klein Show downloaded too, I've just never had it as a #1 priority, but can definitely recommend The Weeds.
The Nerdcast is fairly ok, I find Off Message to be the better of the two.
Would also recommend some Off Message Politico podcasts and Longform did some great interviews with Ezra Klein and Nate Sliver.
Hugo and Alice/The Vicar and Richard Armitage - Vicar of Dibley
Chandler and Monica - Friends
Seconding NPR with April and Andy - it's the Simon and Garfunkel that makes it.
Stingo - I listened to a few episodes of The Whistestop and they were fantastic! Thanks for the recommendation!
This will bring me up to like 20 but ok! I'll download done for my train ride home.
Three words: too many podcasts.
I tended to get angry at some of the Romney stuff, and I fear that there's a bit of in-built sexism against Hiliary, but I don't *actively* hate it at this point and I don't listen to many, if any, right wing voices, so I'm willing to stick it out a bit longer (I'm in episode 4.)
Ok holy crap he's interviewing Mitt Romney in his first two eps. Definitely worth it.
Ok just finished Keepin it 1600 which was great as always and am just starting on Radio Free GOP and the intro was enough to sell me on it. There are only 6 episodes and one is an 8 minute intro, so I'm very happy adding this to my podcast rotations.
They really did just start up 3 days ago. They're doing bi-weekly episodes.
Politics. They had Nate Cohn on the first episode and interviewed Newt. It was … horrifying, but a great interview.
I just woke up so I haven't listened to it yet - and am listening to The Run-Up which is really great - but I'll check it out sometime!
Which episode was the plug in?
We were doing Freudian Psychoanalysis in English and all I kept thinking was Niles saying 'so there'll be no blaming mother today!'
This. Is. Literally. The. Best. News.