Dr Regina Phalange

Hamilton love-fest Last Week Tonight was bloody brilliant. I assume John Oliver keeps trying to one-up himself each week, and I can't wait to see how he tops Lin Manuel-freaking-Miranda.

Exactly, which is why I'm so surprised they're doing this now.

Ikea stuff is awesome, Mum makes tablecloths from their fabrics and their graphics are just great.

Organic cotton! For a reasonable price! It's some of my best dreams coming true! I find a lot of sizing to be absolutely bizarre these days - I can range from an extra small to a size 12 these days and it gets incredibly frustrating that there isn't a more standardised sizing system. Muji does tend to be on the

I have a nice long sleeved shirt from there which was very decently priced taking into account fabric content, construction and other stuff you can get for the same price … ok this is one of the many things I'm anal about, and to be fair it's also one of the few ways I can use my knowledge from 5 years of textiles,

Muji opened in Sydney last year and honestly the only thing that's stopping me from buying all of their stationary is that not only do I already have like 5 boxes full of my absolutely favourite brand of stationary, but that the store is a level bellow a bookstore.

2016 sucks.

Oooh no problem! I'm the only one around here who really loves it, so it's probably best to keep it out of the bracket and let RCT have the bye.
I've found Intro to Film to be a very underrated episode, so it's nice to see it getting some love!

Eeeep, I apologise if the ItF came from me - I meant Introduction to Finality as opposed to Introduction to Film - didn't know if that was from me or if someone said Introduction to Film.

Now that HBO has Sesame Street, does that mean they'll be on Last Week Tonight each week like they were this week? Cause I'm on board for that.

They released a new trailer a few days ago.

I didn't think Abed or Britta would vote, but I can see Britta voting Sanders. I feel Troy might go with Sanders too.

Some wrote a Hamilton parody entitled: Jeb! An American Disappointment (Please Clap.)

So Vulture guessed who New York characters would vote for and it's … not great.


1. AD&D
2. AUC
3. Mixology
4. ITF
5. ECoBT

Give me a few days. If I don't do something about the state of my room and work load I genuinely will be buried under sheets of paper.

Top? 5?!?