Dr Regina Phalange

What's the bet that in a few weeks, we'll be adding The Good Wife to that list?

Outtakes of the Cookie Monster's Apple ad, which will probably end up being the most adorable thing I watch all day:

I've only watched the pilot of Scandal, but just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this review and my laughter after reading the opening sentence is probably the highlight of my Areopagitica filled day.

'I am torn right now between reviewing this episode just like any other episode of Scandal, and critiquing it as one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on television. '

The network's theme song could be 'What Does The Fox Say?'.

Fun story, I might be in the UK/Europe in 2017 so DOUBLE YAY!


Got some junk mail today. I can't help but think of Last Week Tonight ….

- Did a quick read of Milton's Areopagitica for an essay that I'm trying to get done by the end of this week

Side note: There is an International Mens Day. It falls on the same day as World Toilet Day. Also, my day of birth. OUT OF ALL THE DAYS.

Crash Course just launched a 20-ish part series on … Games! Enjoy.

They deserve each other.

Just got back from seeing Steve Jobs … Man that was a good, obviously Sorkin movie. Probably a 4/5 from me. Random Sorkin-ese thoughts: Fassabender was great but really reminded me of Josh Lyman and after Jeff Daniel's character said 'Don't talk to me like I'm other people' I laughed cause all I could think of was

2. Sports Night.

I just had some on a Huevos Bollo burger.

Right now it's smashed Avo.

I figure if I can do this, Hamlet's only a few hundred or so words more than Hamilton.

Hamilton. Again. And Again. And Again. But I'm trying to memorise all the lyrics.

Yeah, they don't do a thing for me, unfortunately.

Honestly, I fall asleep to Friends or some other sitcom I've seen a dozen or so times. I find it's best to bore myself to sleep, I'm one of those people whose brains don't have an off switch.