Dr Regina Phalange

Or come to Australia! Once Trump realises it's soooooo far away, I bet he'd just not be bothered to come here. Or NZ for that matter.

Oh God. She is supporting him. Oh God.

Then, you'd have to think about the Leader of the House and some high ranking Cabinet members, depending on who they are of course. Assuming everything stays as is, I'm pretty sure someone who hates both Trump and Cruz would be ok with Ryan.

Ok I was talking about this with one of my friends, and if someone knocked Trump then you guys would get the VP … which odds suggest would be Cruz.

In that case, I'm pretty sure the UN could make an argument for sending in Peacekeeping Troops.

That's very true, but Trump could be the reason that they do change their position.


This reminds me that I should start following UK politics.

Sure, but there are still a lot of GOP moderates who wouldn't go that far and many people who wouldn't vote for Trump or a Trump-esque party.

Sure, but on some levels, a lot of that base is never going to vote Democratic and while it may not agree with all of their views, the GOP may still remain the better alternative for them.

From what I can remember, the TNR podcast was arguing that the GOP needs to make concessions, mainly on immigration, and swerve to the centre. The Howard Government is kind of a good model for it - making conservative policy in small steps and away from what the guy called 'leaps and bounds' and trying to do too much.

Considering the alternative, I think they'd still retain a fair amount of support.

Therefore, the odds of him losing both is unlikely but losing Ohio is definitely on the cards, which is what I've been saying.

I can definitely see them doing that after the general.

Well, I've said he's going to win Florida. But I think Kasich can hold onto Ohio.

The party is very out of touch with its supporters.

I don't think he'll win Ohio and I don't know if he'll take backdoor wins in Missouri and Illinois, which along with Florida he needs to win.

Certainly at the General there's a chance, but you're right in that it won't stop what the GOP will become.

I was talking to one of my friends about this and we both feel like we're in 1930 Germany, except this is worse because to a certain extent we know what's going to happen and we have the ability to stop it.

There are some neoconservatives who have said they'd do just that in the general.