Dr Regina Phalange

That's the exact copy I read last year!

I go on a train for 4 hours and come back to this:

Ah, my condolences.

And I thought I was a bigger auteurist than I am! I tend to be less interested in auteurism in regards to Kane - I've got a nice little theory I'm developing on it, but I'm holding out on talking about it until I can write about it in an essay at uni.

I'm not trying to suggest that the film 'belongs' to Tolland, and nor was my teacher. I guess the point is that while it is Welles vision, there were other voices involved in the film that should be mentioned. And who knows what the film would look like without Tolland - we would probably still hold it in high regard

Look, I've written a whole lot on Kane, but I've never really written anything about it in relation to auteur theory. What I will say is when I studied it in school, I remember my teacher emphasising the role of Tolland over Welles, and I guess this to me emphasised that while it was Welles's vision, Tolland was

People always forget about Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister when it has The Key aka one of the best sitcom episode *ever*.

Everyone has a great 'a fly didn't leave me alone' story.

We did a lot of those sorts of courses on some of our high school camps - we may have had to queue for a bit, but they were a lot of fun. Hope your finger feels better soon!

The writers of The West Wing Season 6 must be jumping with glee.

I was out all day - what happened?

That's brilliant.

My parents started watching a new show that they thought would interest them.

Seth Meyers' Demopublicratic Debate:


Damn. That was still up there for about 30 minutes like that.

I tweeted it out at them when I first saw it, but I would love to see how long it takes them to realise their fuck up.

They clearly had that article written for months and they managed to fuck up the 1 line description.

It's so rare to hear that final sentence ….