Dr Regina Phalange

'Hail drreginaphalange19! Having conquered the Middle East, you join the ranks of the Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Seljuks, Mongols, and Turks… no doubt there will be others. You have defeated Stephen77, and UnregisteredGuyNamedEric and gained 56 points. The road to victory took you 8 turns in 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Thank you! This is just the first part of primary investigations and was the most horrible one - cannula + injections + mri to take pictures of my small intestine - and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it makes the general anaesthetic of the colonoscopy and endoscopy look very bearable!

I saw Happyism when it was in Sydney and oh boy it was amazing. We all ended up singing 'My Baby Takes The Morning Train' and Hills heckled the audience.

Watch/read/listen to and write about a piece of pop-culture that I've never encountered before.
So far this year I have:
1/1: Bridge of Spies (F)
2/1: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (TV)
3/1: The Art and Making of The Peanuts Movie (B)
4/1: The Original Broadway Cast Recording of 'The Book Of Mormon' (M)
5/1: Please Please

I slept! I'm awake now after having to drink far too much Metamucil then get put in a MRI machine!

Loki, you have just over 2 hours to play your turn.

Plus, someone on this show has to wear a three piece suit, and Mycroft is the guy for that! But all that foreboding 'Mycroft only has x years left' made me quite scared. Granted, it could just be Sherlock's brain reacting to circumstances he has created, but what if it's not? The universe is rarely so lazy ….

The special was so … ominous about Mycroft that I feel it's time to start hoping/praying to the TV Gods that he doesn't die.


If it hasn't been submitted already "Wait for It" from Hamilton.


Well, I don't think it'd be 'evil all of a sudden'. There's enough evidence to suggest that she is evil, particularly from HLV. Having her reformed is interesting, but I can't see a long game where she sticks around for more than … 1 or 2 seasons.

Honestly, I'm fine either way but I'm really rooting for a Mary is Moran season 4. If you follow the 'everything on the show relates back to the John/Sherlock relationship' the baby must effect that. I'm not really worried about the baby because from the outset it always seemed like a plot device that tied Mary and

Direction wise, TGG is my favourite - the replication of Vermeers in the direction is just exemplary and remnant of one of my favourite scenes in The Queen.

Loki, Stephen's going to bed so we'll only finish to the end of the round, but it is your turn.

My top 3 are TGG, TRF and … I don't know what I'd put as my 3rd. Probably either THoB or HLV, which I'm coming to enjoy more than TSotT.

Very true. They just needed to nail the casting for Sherlock - which they did - and it'll all work out well.

Thank you. You're making me really want to read the Hannibal series now.

Well her complaint was a broad one about fandom - I think fan art - existing at all, which in Sherlock is just not a great angle to go for. But yes, the more … mutant part of the fandom is best left to be.

I guess what helps both shows is the fact that people have a pre-existing conception of their worlds; they can go in and completely turn it on its head. The pre-existing framework helps further their subversions and reinterpretation by allowing them to create a similar, but a visually strikingly different one.