Dr Regina Phalange

John Oliver shuts it down:

I was on a L Circuit at a nice little speakeasy! And there is a cafe in the Blue Mountains called The Red Door on L Street, so in a way I've already been.

The number of bars I have been to in my life has increased 300% this evening. In unrelated news, my hearing has gone to the dumps and my friends seem to have forgotten that loud noises gives me headaches.

Ah fuck, there are reports of a shooting near the Louvre.

The FFF say the people who were killed were at the 'stadium's gates'. The stadium is now in lockdown I think.

From the paper - a list of the events that have occurred:

Everyone's reporting different numbers, but a French networks is reporting 60 people have been killed across Paris and that there are 100 hostages at the Le Bataclan theatre.

Awwwwww John Oliver and his wife had a baby boy!

Ok I'm game if you need some more people.

Oral History of Parks and Rec:

Woah, congratulations Alex! That's a huge move! If you don't mind me asking, when are you moving? And are you going to go to Community college to brush up your Spanish skills in Spanish 101 and become friends with a rag-tag group of people?

Or … I can Facebook stalk them all and avoid talking to 210,000 people.

There are 117 people in Australia with my last name. New mission: to find the other 114. How hard could it possibly be?

If this actually amounts to something, I will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy:

Miranda writes Jefferson so well, with a lot of amazing historical winks, and how he came up with the rhymes for Washington On Your Side is sheer genius.

Just half of it! But I honestly would have a very hard time choosing between around half of my top 10 for a top song, and then there are so many that could've easily made the top 10 but just miss out. Plus it's all so good, how could I not?

I can't pick a favourite - though if I thought about it for a long time, I'd either end up with Wait for It or Satisfied, but my Top 10 in appearance order: Alexander Hamilton, You'll Be Back, Helpless, Satisfied, Wait for It, That Would Be Enough, Non Stop, One Last Time, Burn and Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your

Also if we're going to get technical, Clueless is *technically* an appropriation of Emma, though appropriations often get called adaptations which caused my high school self to weep for all those times we studied appropriations.

Miranda has mentioned that he would like the show to be filmed:

'Binge-watch' is Collins' Word of 2015: