Dr Regina Phalange

Tonight was my residential hall's end of year celebrations. Of course my luck means that the after party spilled onto my floor. Right now I am trying to get to sleep by imagining yelling at everyone who is currently making noise. As a point of comparison, I can still hear everyone loud and clear with my headphones at

I think he's listed on IMDB as "Red-Faced Man".

Enlisted! I always forget about that show.

1a. Series Finale: Only seen Community's finale, so no answer from me here.
1b. Season Finales: The Office (only seen up to s4 at this point) > Community > Parks and Rec > 30 Rock. This isn't my best-worst order of shows, (Community > The Office > 30 Rock > Parks and Rec), but I really don't remember any 30 Rock

The Brooklyn Nine Nine Season 2 finale is awesome. I didn't expect to enjoy the show as much as I have, but I can't wait for season 3, which of course isn't going to air here for a while. The joys of Australia …

If only this was around a few years ago and we got to watch that in class!

Daniel Craig and David Oyelowo will play Iago and Othello respectively in an off-Broadway production of Othello. I. Am. So. Excited.

John Oliver's new website is sheer beauty:

My favourite part of the AV Club comments section on it is people in awe of the fact that we had a Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband.

random question: server number/room name?

Actually, it's 10am for me. I can make it.

6pm central time?

It's common in the Westminster system. It's the name given to the members of the opposition who 'shadow' a particular cabinet position.

Happy Birthday, Affro! *sends Buffy filled balloons with Buffy filled stuff in them* Have an awesome day!

Oh nards. Ah well, THIS IS WHAT INSOMNIA DOES TO YOU. Also drunk people yelling outside. They're annoying and keeping me awake.

Selection of Q and A's of various directors including Soderbergh, Fincher, Ang Lee and Edgar Wright interviewed by Sam Mendes:

That would be pretty spectacular.

But Sandy's going to host! That's like the best case scenario!

Stephen Fry has stepped down as host of QI: