
Then what? We just leave this volatile structure at the bottom of the ocean until something disrupts it and causes another leak?

@cyberguruji: Did you hear if you hold the new iPhone wrong it loses reception?

This looks horrible. Glad to see JT went back to the white boy jheri curl fro thing. That should provide some comic relief.

Haha...these guys sounds like some street hustlers or something. Yo just patch it up with a rubber band and some nail polish or carry a backup phone on a more reliable network, easy as that.

@cynep: Yeah well I wrote that while watching my 10 year old Sony, so...

@cynep: Zing! There you go. I laugh at my own jokes all the time. Better than no one laughing at all.

I'd be looking for a way to get my money back too if I bought a Toshiba.

@Weakskills: Haha...I'm going to assume you're joking, but the funny thing is Rush Limbaugh actually said something similar to this on his radio show. His actual words were:

It's funny how this story is getting so old that no one really cares about it anymore...not even enough to merit a cover photo this time. I guess we've all moved on from the fact that our Earth is still being destroyed.

@led235: "This handy iPhone 4 decal does double duty as an antenna-protecting film and a glow stick. "

@led235: no my HTC Evo does not need a glow in the dark decal to get reception if that is what you are asking.


@B1663R: I step in with both legs at the same time.