
I’ve tried doing this and the noodles all stuck together.

Recently graduated from a web development bootcamp and no one is hiring in December. Can I have a job?

Treehouse is awesome. You can get a pretty good discount if you’re a student too.

UM THAT TOOK A DARK TURN. Jesus. I have been watching way too much Law and Order: SVU lately.

Q: Which online travel site does the creator of the internet use?

"While they are quick to assure that the same results will be shown to users of either operating system, Orbitz explains that pricier and often more luxurious offers are displayed more prominently to those accessing the site on a Mac."

Perhaps it's because we've developed other ways to attract mates than just looks. Money, for one.

reminds me of him

Does it you get 5 stalks out of it.

How about these? No need for a tray, and they don't water down your drink. You could get whiskey stones too, but I like how these look.

I prefer this

What level of exercise were they subjected to? If the sample was people aged 18-69, I would assume that this would vary, perhaps drastically, person to person. I can say first hand that exercise helps keep my anxiety in check.

Good call!

So true

Beer cheese soup is the best

I love that kind of weather. I should move to Portland.

That just looks weird.

First helium, now vanilla. Parties are going to suck in the near future.
