
The fact that she’s looking out for folks now cause there’s no one who could do that for her. She’s A-class. 

it’s a stage name, Frank. 

Cripes on a crutch, when are Man-Babies gonna GTF outta the way and get with it- Jon couldn’t do anything, Dany couldn’t do anything, the prophecy set them on the path to defeat the Night-King. The Night-King was defeated by someone more capable than them (Hell, more capable than Batman!) The world is now saved. Now

I just want a phone, with a headphone jack. Looks like I’ll be buried with my iPhone 6.

Wow- someone suffering from the consequences of their actions and a white man, no less. #boutTime

It should’ve taken the first charge to put him away for life. He’s a monster and he needs to atone for his acts of horror. 

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the list did say greatest on it.

Every. Single. Time... I know I’m gonna do it. People eat the bagel place think I look crazy... Crying into my phone. #ThanksPixar

Put a mouse trap in an empty cereal boxe tipped on its side. Hand to god it will get them every time and all you have to do is close the box and toss it away. Instant mouse coffin.