
Don’t really care about NFTs one way or the other (it’s much easier to just outright design a character by imitating a style) but now I’m curious though: let’s say someone successfully aired a TV show about an NFT character they ‘own’. What happens if the character is stolen AFTER the TV show is created and released?

So are you anti-union or just cheap? Everyone needs work, yes even people in war-torn Ukraine, and a USD goes much further there than in does in USA, but what I’m taking from your comment is that you don’t give a damn about people’s work conditions as long they get the job done for as cheaply as possible which. if

Congrats to them on finishing the first, and hardest, step of rallying their crew and getting a winning unionization vote. But the bargaining process is where victories and losses will be marked. Best of luck to them, cheering you for working hard to make better working environments in the games biz!

LOL you and me both.

Fuck, how cool would it be if you had to flip the dang monopoly board to go to the upside down boardwalk?

Otherwise, I’m pretty sure Superman would probably punch half the characters into mush in one blow.

Personally, I’d take it over Dishonored because Prey rewards exploration and backtracking a lot more (whereas Dishonored was more of a linear set of missions where you can’t choose to revisit locations for collectibles you missed or access locations with new abilities). The gloo gun was just really fun to play with,

I was kind of into it until seeing that screen with all the ‘collectible materials’, stats and level-up options that made my eyes glaze over. Just gives me AC Odyssey vibes of a never-ending treadmill grind that leads to fighting the exact same-looking enemies with inflated numbers. Hope I’m wrong, butthat’s the

Fixed the header, no need for thanks.

To be fair, it’s not so much a shameless throw back to the old animated series, but a spiritual successor to the excellent Turtles in Time which, based on the trailers for this new game, has a similar game feel, in addition to using the same designs. You can tell that TMNT4TiT (lol) is the core inspiration just from

Probably not the ideal solution, but with every Fromsoft game, I use the usual Quit to Menu function, then just as all the production logos start to load, I alt-tab to desktop, right-click the game tab on the windows taskbar and select close.

Spot on. But it can take so long to get to the point that you understand the timing of a boss’s every single attack and mix-up haha. I challenged myself to try and beat Crucible Knight in the early game with with mainly parries and ripostes (which I’d never done before), and it took me like 6 hours. I was painfully bad

What can I say.. I’m sorry to hear that and hope you don’t give up on the souls over those bad experiences, mate. There are shitheads and capital-G-Gamers everywhere, and like I said, they definitely exist in the souls community. I’ve honestly had much of the opposite luck I guess, having just the other day watched

I mean... that’s just twitter for ya, hah.

And what kind of community are you saying resulted from that, exactly?

it’s exciting to see Capcom experimenting a bit

We got very similar spiels when we were in the midst of unionizing our workplace. Phrases such as “we are a family” get tossed around a lot in an effort to make use feel bad, which I find downright offensive to use in said context.

No shit! But if companies are going to be using NFTs anyway (which YOU KNOW they will until this fad dies off and which sadly requires a blockchain) Proof of Stake is more than 1000x (not an exaggeration) less power-hungry than the alternative. Like a literal drop in the bucket in comparison.

At least they’re using Proof of Stake?

Ankha pics pls.