sketches by boze

Maybe they can include The Golden Compass's original ending this time. I also look forward to seeing the BBC reboot Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings in ten or twenty years for television.

It's about time! They've sequeled everything else.

Boyhood, The Incredibles, FRINGE.

Creature from the Black Neighborhood!

This just makes me excited for the forthcoming "Danny Collins."

That was Matthew McConaughey.

This may be the adaptation of Alice in Wonderland I've been searching for all my life.

There is a FISH playing the violin suspended in that rabbit hole. I'm going to watch all of this.

With a sequel hook?

It's bizarre because every time the show has what I think would've been a KILLER series finale, I wonder why they had to go and keep making episodes and ruin it. And then they run an episode like last night's, and I realize, the world still needs Parks & Rec.

Oh, I concur. Moving Up is easily in my top 10, too. I need to revise my list before the finale next month.

Benjamin Harrison is probably the president I think about least. I literally think about Rutherford B. Hayes and Chester Alan Arthur more.

And Michael Schur. The man is a genius.

I loved the headline, "JFK Not Assassinated!" mostly for the idea that if he hadn't been assassinated on 11/22/63, it would've been headline news on the following day.

It reminded me so much of Fly from Breaking Bad.

End of the World is my favorite episode of the show, but between that episode and last season's finale we've also gotten The Comeback Kid, The Debate, and London. (And Ben's Parents, which I'm inexplicably fond of.)

The screen flashing "10:55pm" was such a subtle, expertly delivered joke.

Yeah, for a second I thought she was just babbling, but then I remembered, "Oh wait, we're in the FUTURE."

Easily one of the show's best. It's going in my top 10.

I guess today really is indie music lover's Christmas.