
I don’t know, it’s now pretty recognized that if a person is under the influence of controlled substances they can not give consent, and that applies to both sexual partners. Could still be considered rape.

So if Catherine was a succubus sent out to seduce Vincent, does that mean Rin fills the same purpose? Are they even human, or are they a succubus/incubus and are just there to make sure Vincent breaks it off with Katherine so he can go around making babies? It’s been a long time, but I think that’s what the reason was.

Quake’s been in a lot of Bendis stuff, Nick Fury once had her explode Wolverine’s heart when he got uppity.

“But in 2015, the prior FCC bowed to pressure from President Obama. On a party-line vote, it imposed heavy-handed, utility-style regulations upon the Internet. That decision was a mistake. It’s depressed investment in building and expanding broadband networks and deterred innovation”

Well that’s the thing, they really didn’t make the kind of film they should have been making all along, only parts of it, ingredients here and there, which is what resulted in the disjointed mess you mentioned. As much good as they did with Superman’s character this time around, they pretty much reduced him to the

I always thought that the series poked fun at the split between who everyone thought Ghandi was, and who he actually was. Multiple biographers described him as a restrained horndog at odds with his sexuality ever since the death of his father, where he blamed himself for having sex with his wife instead of being at

not a hatchet, its a hammer, just for detail’s sake.

and its not even Monday. Cheer up buttercup.

(Does an average man have to watch movies starring overweight bald guys to relate to them better, or can he watch movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger?)

I think I’ve seen this imagery before...

I liked the idea of a severe alcoholic pickling himself

Alucard and Dracula meet face-to-face)

but we don’t get Alucard’s motivation without his mom’s death, otherwise his only loyalty is to his daddums.

kinda part of his game character tho

what, like the babies in demon’s mouths? This is one of the few shows out there, anime or otherwise, that got away with showing children being torn apart or eaten. Not only that, but we get a sense of even coming close to questioning the actions of the church is almost grounds for arrest and interrogation, or

with one panel at the very end showing him napping in front of the Bat-computer.

how would you retcon Peter Parker’s appearance in Civil War then?

so the only reason you’re considering seeing a movie is because it’s supposed to be a good movie?