
Miles Morales as Spider-Man doesn’t exist, or want to be Spider-Man, without Peter Parker being Spider-Man there to inspire him.

I’m still waiting for a black Reed Richards.

“Forget Hollywood. How is anyone going to get “good enough” if you don’t point out how they can be better”

He doesn’t focus enough in school. He lies to his parents. ;)

Maybe Peter Parker’s first 5 years?

I like his costume more, but still doesn’t beat Peter’s black suit.

nice to get an opinion from someone that sounds like they actually read the comics these characters are based on.

what about that one where all the countries are dudes, at a school or something?

this reminds me of It’s Always Sunny in Philedelphia

I don’t know man, everyone in Attack on Titan, besides Mikasa and her mom, looked white to me.

like nintendo would ever have anything close to that in their games.

are we talking the 2002? Rosie O’Donnel came out of the closet, didn’t really lose much because of it, including episodes on Nip/Tuck, citizens of Russia were able to identify as any ethnicity, Lilo and Stitch came out, which had unconventional body types, races, and female protagonists for a Disney movie, the

I thought the doctor doesn’t have much say in his regeneration, I’m rusty, but I think I remember that each time he regenerates, he’s usually surprised.

its kinda creepy for you to keep jerking off Steve Jobs while he’s still in the grave.

what was the holodeck like?

marvel’s first MCU movie was Iron Man, which was not only well received critically and by audiences, but also set up the pattern of post-credit teases for future films. After that was Incredible Hulk, which pleased most people and officially connected the MCU, and today people still say they like it more than the

You’ve just restated the and concepts for most NG+’s, including dark souls, for example, which also provides additional bosses, npc encounters, and lore bonuses.

same could be said about women. or people.

Deborah Fields goes by Debris, if I remember right, and she was brought on not because she was telekinetic, but had magnetism powers, which she shares with like, 3 people in the whole marvel U, most famous of which is magneto. In the comics she was a straight up mutant, who was trying to hide that fact along with her

nah, I think making Johnny Storm Black was a bad decision. At the point they decided to make one of the 4 a black character, they chose one that was canonically blood related to his sister, which could have been fine if both Sue and Johnny were black, but chose to do the adoption thing instead. Not only that, but they