Cute… almost like watching a real plane!
Cute… almost like watching a real plane!
The “modest system” is referencing only the SeaRAM, not the entire AEGIS system. The Burkes were built to handle that situation: Lets say you have 24 anti-ship cruise missiles targeted on a Burke, If AEGIS picks them up early enough it can launch 2 SM-2s at each inbound. Assuming each SM-2 has an kill probability of…
Nope, the cafe is run by 2 working class lads from Ireland. It stocks obscure cereals from around the world and how is a small business pricing people out of an area? What did these people achieve? They would be better protesting in the City, or outside the Houses of Parliament. I live one road along from here and…
Excellent choice, RoK.
Cell phone? When JJ Watt has a message to deliver, he just sets a fucking example and informs the media.
Nice patina ... just needs a coat of clear.
The hunt for red October. Your man card has been revoked.
Because he disagrees with you?
The last of our enlisted JICOs is retiring soon. So we can expect officers to do the job for two years before being shuffled behind a desk for “career progression” or contractors that command six figure salaries in return for six month deployments at nicely appointed hotels. Oh well... Should have gone to OTS before I…
like the user name dude. Don’t imagine there are too many who'll get the reference
The answer is always A-10.
“With all of the F-35’s woes the fact that it hasn’t killed any test pilots is both unsaid and unusual.”
Good luck to the Marine Corps with OT-1. Hope it goes well.
Just like the F-35!
From what I’ve heard it wasn’t just the speed alone but also the height combined with the low airspeed that was the issue. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t show up on radar but at the low speed the gyro was flying at combine with the low altitude the radar systems that did pick it up thought that it was just a car.
Amen! When the shit hits the fan, the only question on people's minds is 'Where are the carriers?" Once that's known, all they want to do is figure out how to get an expeditionary force there as fast as possible, and it's time for the Gator Navy to provide helo and amphibious assault capabilities, and fast moving…
I saw the F-35B at the MCAS Beaufort airshow, yesterday, and damn, she is a beaut! She's one loud bitch, too! When she was pulled out for the demo, I couldn't believe how much louder she was, compared to the F-16 and F/A-18s that were flying. I'd wager that the only demo team that was louder was the Blue Angels,…
OK. I will be the first to grant that people who operate buks would love a chance to stamp a little A-10 on the side of their command truck. I just figured that we have a lot of resources for suppressing and killing air defense radars and anyone flying close air support would probably not be out in the vanguard of…