Exceptionally cool. I'm betting loud, as well. But the loudest thing I've ever heard was a section go of Prowlers at NKT in the early 80's. That was very effing loud!
Exceptionally cool. I'm betting loud, as well. But the loudest thing I've ever heard was a section go of Prowlers at NKT in the early 80's. That was very effing loud!
Slick looking. I've heard that this platform will be one of the first to use Link 22.
Spent a lot of time working with Marine HAWK missiles back in the day, and nobody really knew what was actually going to happen when/if that thing came off the rail.
I've worked with border patrol JLENS platforms. They still have speed gates. If they didn't, they'd also be tracking ground vehicles in DC. It's a difficult problem to work through ground clutter and slow-moving targets. However, your point is well-taken.
I don't believe this to be true at all. It certainly isn't the case with the many radars I've worked with, that's for certain.
I'd agree. Small RCS, little Doppler shift, slow flying. Perfect use of gyro anything since James Bond!
If this thing was flying too slow, it's likely that it would fall below the speed gate in a lot of radars.
The F-35 can transmit its Link 16 picture to anyone in the Link 16 network. The connectivity nodes you mention do not do MADL. That's what the 5th to 4th Gen Fighter Gateway intends do to.
yep, I spent 25 years in, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'd gone in to the Navy, but no likey the boats! My MOS was always on a fly-in echelon, so I spent time in Air Force transports. When it was MAC, it was "Maybe Airplane Come". When they changed it to AMC, it was "Airplane May come".
no beef with this.
That's why there's a Marine Corps. I've seen people bitching here about he separate "air force" the Marine Corps has, but we have one-stop shopping in a MAGTF. Long live the United States, and success to the Marines!
The PACAF and ACC requirements guys respectfully disagree... I work with them every day.
Try me. If you want to have an informed, intelligent discussion on the capabilities and technology of the F-35, or how it and the Raptor work in the JALN, let me know. I enjoy discussing military aviation, but snarky dilettantes are tedious.
I'm not a fanboy of any particular airframe. As a tageteer and weaponeer, I am platform-agnostic. As good as a Buff is, I'm not sending it to Baghdad. Nor would I put an A-10 in anything but a permissive environment. I recall all the bitching about the Osprey. I was at MAWTS when that big crash occurred. But now it's…
lol...sure. Go with that.
I work supporting both the F-22 and the F-35.
You'll have to run that through the ACC requirements guys that I work with on a daily basis. That's where I get my guidance in the execution of acquisition. Not being a dick here, but this is what I work on every day.
Yep, read your comments, thanks. And I know a metric shit ton about the F-35, its capabilities, networked sensor abilities. So, there you go.
LOL...they had to limit the A-10 flights in the latest dustups because it was being shot down.
Understood sir, and I appreciate the comments. It's extremely easy to be in the business of criticizing the F-35 as it compares to the A-10, but they operate in different environments. Love the ability of the A-10 to provide awesome CAS with tons of loiter time in a permissive environment. But the AO that the F-35…