Dylan Walker (Skeptimus Prime)

Chances are that it was hanging on hardware detection. I remember having similar problems with 98, if it didn't recognize some piece of hardware plugged into your system it could freeze up. I had it hang up like that once and it kept happening through 2 or 3 attempts before I realized I needed to unplug the printer

I'm not sure what you mean by "non NT" system, since XP was based on the NT kernel, not the non-NT kernel from 95-98. Windows ME was the last non-NT OS ever released, every OS since was based on the NT kernel.

I actually have fond memories of this show, but I still recognize the racist messages the flag has been tied to. Not planing on visiting Tennessee any time soon, but if I do Cooter's place will be on my list of places NOT to go.

I personally liked brotherhood better. I think the plot held together better, and I really disliked the ending of the original.

They added a lot of stuff that was originally in the appendices.