
The parents of trans girls don’t want their daughters to use the bathroom with young men who are going through their natural hormonal changes, either, especially since that poses far more of a risk to them than to a cis girl sharing a bathroom with a trans girl.

A “young woman” would not be using a shared bathroom with “young men” - a transgendered person would be using it with one (and only one) of those groups.

Actually, I don’t know this guys backstory, but the way minor drug possession charges (especially weed) can ruin someone’s life and send them on a death spiral is a very real and serious problem in this country.

She is my new hero. She’s holding a mirror to the absurdity of bills like SB4 and addressing gun violence and saying Fuck You in a very creative and non-combative way. I love this lady.

This reminds me of all the men who got pissed, and are still pissed, that Obamacare requires insurance companies to cover birth control for women. The same insurance companies that were already voluntarily covering Viagra. But, you know, women should only get birth control covered if they’re married and not sinning

Actually, not necessarily. :) Gravity waves cause ripples in the substrate of space-time, and those ripples can theoretically move faster than light and are excluded from the effects of matter-energy interactions in observable space. (and are thus excluded from causality and relativity) That said, gravity effects

I mean, is life without an iPhone really worth living?

Once upon a time we were worried that a nuke would kill us all. Now we’re worried that it might kill all of our electronics.

Diddling children: forgivable with coverup.

This is sad, but diet frosted lemonade? If you're going to be put to death...shouldn't you just be like, fuck it, I'll just have the calories?

There are so many, some on right now (Under the Dome jumps to mind) but this is the most egregious example. It’s finally coming to an end, but it was a case of a shuffling corpse that CBS just refused to put out of its misery. The main cast shuffle, the bland and repetitive plotlines, the desperate attempts to tie in

Not by a long shot... but if one of these babies was mine, and I had no other kids, I would gladly vigilante her ass to hell and get her debt paid the fucking day she walked out of jail.

my stance on the death penalty is not contingent on what the convict has done. There are no “but they made Baby Jesus cry” exceptions.

Roll on more cars in this class. Get rid of those dull 4wd hatchbacks. The manufactures don't even make road going versions of them, well they do but not with the same engine, gearbox, drivetrain.

If I ever write a book about the downfall of the middle class and this country as a whole, my main point will be that our failure stemmed from the fact that while we all thought we were inconvenienced millionaires, we in reality weren't even middle class, but a nation of temporarily-successful blue collar stiffs, with

Actually, the movie came first, THEN the video game, for Tron. Trust me, I'm old.

So you think this woman, wo is almost certainly having a mental breakdown, should go do hard time? Is that going to help her kids? WTF is wrong with you assholes.