
I’m...sorry that several people have pointed out that you don’t seem to have a rational basis for your “50/50"? If it’s premised in the notion of “Well, 2 choices, therefore 50/50" school of reasoning, it would be an incorrect use of odds, but it would be valid reasoning otherwise. It would also be super common. If

A big chunk of my income goes to taxes. If I’m going to be dumping that much money, some of it better be used on fighter jets in flashy paint jobs.

Because it’s cool AF?

The music sounds straight out of Koyaanisqatsi (Philip Glass).

When I was younger I worried that my motorcycle would be the thing that killed me; now as I grow older I worry that it won’t be.

RIP Michael.

Your post just made me tear up. I cannot imagine what you are going through and any words I have to say would be hallow. Just hugs, huge internet hugs. (((((((((((((((((skeptikon))))))))))))))))))

you know, drug addicts dont have to fit whatever stereotype you (and most people) have in their heads. there are MANY “very in control” addicts. it’s possible he had chronic pain and developed an addiction to pain killers. if you have a steady supply of opiates (which a celeb would bc of their access to the right DRs)

Then there’s the clearance sign. That’s not 15'9"....

Ironically, it was not an electric eel.

“People have a right to believe whatever they want.”

True... some of us believe praying is an useless practice...

Don’t force your bullshit on everyone else. I was raised Catholic. My bullshit meter was calibrated and tuned by the time I was 12. Fuck off.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

The use of spiritual here is not the best case, as it tends to involve cherry-picking bits of Indian cultural/religious practices that appeal to the sensibilities of white westerners while leaving out the parts they find to be icky, overly “ethnic,” etc. It’s offensively appropriative and disrespectful to the culture

Sorry about your shitty ex-friend and your illness. Hope you’re feeling okay!

A welfare check would probably just involve the police coming in and saying “are you being held against your will” and if Richard says no it would essentially be over. It’s unlikely his living conditions would be deemed dangerous and unless there is a recommendation by a doctor there isn’t much the police could do.

Is it possible for police to make a welfare check on him? I know involving police isn’t always the best idea but it doesn’t seem like anyone else in his inner circle is really doing anything for him. I also don’t know anything about social work so I could be totally off base here.

Words, and a bit of vomit, seem to have left me.

Wow, man. Your inability to understand how infrastructure, taxes, budgets, inflation, and all manner of ways the economy actually works is hilarious and depressing.

The privately owned grocery store down the block is not my only choice of where to buy things. Having multiple companies build roads next to each other for me to choose which one I buy (use for pay) would make no sense at all. Your equivalency is lacking, big time.

Come on, people. Haven’t we figured out by now that “public/private partnership” is a grift? The anti-government hysteria whipped up by businesses looking for taxpayer $$ has made people into easy targets. Infrastructure will never be, and should never be a profit driven enterprise. Pool our resources and get it done