Why can’t I ever watch a Facebook Video on Jalopnik? I get a blank space. I have to F12 in Chrome (dev tools) search for the link in the IFRAME, then copy and paste it in another tab to view the video.
Why can’t I ever watch a Facebook Video on Jalopnik? I get a blank space. I have to F12 in Chrome (dev tools) search for the link in the IFRAME, then copy and paste it in another tab to view the video.
I can no longer play this for at least an hour before going to bed. I get so keyed up I can’t sleep.
I don’t think that would be impossible to do.
He was in shock. Probably busy going somewhere and when the car started sinking he panicked.
They are there to filter the plankton out of the water.
When I was serving in the Italian Army near Venice, a joint US, Italian convoy had an accident where a Semi-truck side swept the leading Jeep (Actually, a Fiat 4x4 campagnola) and sent one officer and 5 soldiers down a ravine. The officer survived, he was my roommate, of the soldiers 3 died and 2 survived. One of the…
Give it to the Marines. The A-10 would be a great weapons system for marines. If the Air Force really doesn’t want them, the jarheads I’ll be they could really use them. So what if they don’t fly off a carrier?
Where did you get that size popcorn?
Never been so glad to see someone wear leathers.
So the bigot prays and his relative puts everyone to sleep with a 45 minutes rendition of the National Anthem. Great going Nascar.
Laugh all you want. You know how difficult it is to film an entire slow mo car chase trying to keep the stolen car behind the stupid blue banner at the bottom of the screen? Kubrik couldn’t have done that as masterfully as the chopper guys did.
Can we see the one with the bullets next?
Pretty good assumption too.
Can some Heavies expert answer this for me: why don’t large planes, cargo and passenger alike, use cameras to monitor taxing and other parts of the ship that are often hard to see from the cockpit?
Not really. Something bad had to happen so that something good could be done.
4kph faster than the record? Did I read that right? Not impossible but very unlikely from this guy.
You sound balanced and stable.
With all due respect, can somebody define “Spiritual” for me?
Here you go, this may make you feel better.
Sadly, they do.