
Oh, I don’t think he gave a dishonest review at all. I’m just generally wondering if this is a film where the flaws would be less noticeable if it was from a different filmmaker. I can except a level of stupid from some filmmakers, but it’s harder from others, as unfair as that is. I was really looking forward to the

I’m kind of amused by the “it’s a metaphor!!” reviews coming out especially the ones that further clarify “that doesn’t really work!” I do think that the idea of being terrorized by yourself is enough of a metaphor that he could have just let it sit there, without further explanation, and it would have been fine.

Same here. There was a lot of speculation leading up to the release as to what the dopplegangers represented, so I watched a lot of the film trying to see the sub-text. And there were points when I said, “Oh, I get it, they represent X”, only to have that undercut by something later in the film.

I think the answer is

Saw this last night at an early screening and…I don’t know. I feel like amidst all of the (nearly universal) critical praise, I keep seeing variations of “it works best if you don’t analyze it too much” alongside “this movie gives you so much to unpack,” often in the same review. And it’s like, which is it? I agree

Eyes Peeled.

Fine, here’s your answer: if you can live on $35,000 a year, you’re “rich” in some relative sense (more on which in a second). But you know I’m talking about millionaires and billionaires, and you know millionaires and billionaires occupy a different moral space than someone making $35k a year since they can easily

Oh I get it. You think it’s possible to get rich ethically, then continue being a rich person ethically. I hate to tell you this, but the act of getting rich is a bloodsoaked, exploitative endeavor no matter how it happens.

I think the word “accumulate” might be more apt.

The thing is that in spite of being mostly right, the word “earn” is still used in this piece to describe graft and collection of rents, aka, how rich people get money; they don’t “earn” anything in any meaningful sense.

No, but we can see how antagonistic the flight attendant is afterwards. If he’d been nice and apologetic regardless of whose fault it was, she probably would’ve calmed down faster and the other passengers wouldn’t have been horrified.

The one encouraging thing here is the fact that other passengers stood up to actively defend this woman and her child. Perhaps the most distressing thing about the United incident is that no one came to that guy’s aid. I know it’s probably a losing battle, with the possibility of arrest (or worse), but the line must

Eh, you could almost maim my kids and he’s not notice, especially if he had food in his hand. I’m gonna be pretty pissed about it, though.